Playing With Film Blog Circle { Mille Lacs Lake Children’s Photographer}
A little bribery of Dairy Queen can always work wonders when momma needs to experiment and finish some film. This month we shot Kodak Portra 400, but rated it at 800 ISO which would technically underexpose your film by one stop. Kodak Portra film has such great latitude, meaning you can really over or underexpose this film and still get great looking images. These were shot at sunset with my Canon EOS 3, 100L and the help of my light meter at 800 ISO. I was really impressed with this film, but there is definitely much more contrast when underexposing. Well here is Tyler on the dock, waiting for spring to come. This winter is getting old. I think we were too spoiled last year.
Head over and see what Jenny shot this month on Portra 400