Selfie on Film {Light Inspired Blog Circle}

A while back a had a blog post of some pictures of myself and with my kiddos.  That day I also decided to put my EOS 3 film camera and 50mm 1.4 on the tripod and use up the rest of the roll of Kodak Portra 400.  These are straight scans rated at 200 in natural light and developed at The Darkroom.  No skin smoothing or correction.  Yikes!  lol  I must say it is hard to judge where to stand when doing this with film.  There is no going back to check how it turned out and to see if you need to stand in a different spot. I had to take it off of the single focus point and trust my camera to pick the correct points.  These turned out much better than I expected.





Please check out what Jennifer shot for film this month over at Jennifer Frarck Photography.