Dodged The Rain {Chaska, MN Children’s Photographer}

Our morning wasn’t looking too promising for Mister K’s 4 year pictures.  I didn’t think I was going to make it in time.  There was a big ole rain cell that looked like it was heading right for downtown Chaska.  I was hoping I could get a good 15 min of shooting in, but we lucked out.  No rain.  It was a dark and dreary morning to shoot, but the rain just missed us.  I just love the town of Chaska.  It has so much character.  We hit the little downtown area and found lots of opportunities in just a small area.  30 min later we got what we needed and still rain free.  By the way, doesn’t he look like he is going on 5, not 4.  He is going to be one tall kiddo.