Personal Home Decor May 28, 2012 Not only do I love to fill my house with images of my children, but also their creations from school and daycare. I have a small wall in the kitchen that I display their works of art. Here are a few of their latest. TAGS:Central MN Children's PhotographerCentral MN PhotographerChildren PhotographerChildren's PhotographerMille Lacs County MN Children's PhotographerMille Lacs County PhotographerMille Lacs Lake PhotographerOnamia Children's PhotographerOnamia MNOnamia MN PhotographerOnamia Photographer You May Also Like Traveling Art Pub | Brainerd MN Photographer February 18, 2016 Kindergarten Graduate!!! May 31, 2012 The First October 25, 2012 The Light of Christmas December 16, 2013