The Big Day in Southern MN

Tyler was asked to be the ring bearer for his cousin Hannah’s wedding.  It took some convincing and time to think on his part.  I told him that being the ring bearer is a very important part, since he is the one that carries the rings up for the bride and groom.  He favorite cousin in the whole wide world, Jacey, was also going to be the flower girl.  After some thought, Tyler said his cousin Keziah (who is Collin’s age) was in a wedding (last year), so he thought he could handle being in a wedding too.  He did go back and forth about wanting to be in it, even going in to get fitted for the tux.  He did start to get a smile on his face after trying on some sizes of pants, jackets and shoes.  I think seeing the cool outfit he was going to wear was the deal breaker.  After I told him what I did about carrying the ring, I had an after thought that not everyone actually puts the rings on the pillow, so I talked to him about this a week or so before the wedding.  Well stupid me, low and behold who mentions he doesn’t to be in the wedding (10 min from the church after a 4 hr drive) because he won’t be important if he doesn’t carry the rings.  Why on earth does he (and how he) remember these things.  So we had to reassure him that he is very important part otherwise they wouldn’t have asked for him to do this.  We also said that we paid lots of money for the tux and Hannah and Alex expect him to do this, so really has no choice and can not ruin their day.   So that was the end of the discussion.  So he got his tux on with no fuss once we got their.

 Here is Tyler and our niece Jacey looking all beautiful and handsome all dressed up.

My proud boy looking so cute.

 I was surprised how well the kids did standing up there.  Not too much fidgeting.

Terrible, terrible shot of the beautiful newlyweds.  My in focus shot they both had their eyes closed.  Can’t win them all I guess, especially in poor lighting conditions with no flash.

They did a great job on their car.  They even wired an alarm thingy to the breaks so when they hit the breaks is makes that sound like a vehicle is backing up.  It was funny, but I also felt sort of sorry too.

Cousin Raina, aka The Maid of Honor, putting her touch on the car.

 Good thing someone had a knife.

Oh yes is was not only filled with balloons, but a crap load theses little styrofoam little balls, so every time they opened the door they fell out.  I never laughed so hard when they actually got to the gift openning and I saw Alex get out of the car super fast and quick shut the door and a pile of the balls came out with him.  Oh yeah and the back up alarm sound when they pulled up added to the laugh.

 Now on the the reception.  They boys ate like pigs since spaghetti was on the menu for the night.  We did sit next to a couple who had some ties to Onamia.  It is alway a small world sometimes.

The kids had a blast.  Here are the kids watching the couple answering some fun questions.

Boy, the kids sure cut a rug that evening.

I couldn’t get Tyler to dance with me tho.  He could sure do the moves with his dress shoes.  They slid all over on the hardwood floors.  He sure has the moves, just no rhythm to the music.

Tyler even attempted the Macariana.

Someone just couldn’t handle all the fun after a full tummy.

Trying to get a picture off all the cousins, sleeping or not.  I do have a few better ones without the sleepy head.

Now, just the girls.

Oh and my flash batteries were going, so I could only get one image at a time and a few dark ones in between while it recycled.  I thought it was pretty cool tho.

Tyler would dance with his cousins, but not his mommie 🙁  Rylee, was digging his moves.

The blooper of the night.  I caught this one of my nephew.  I find it flipping funny and think it should be shown at his HS graduation.

Well a great time was had by all and to top it off, we (shane, my sister and brother in law) had a good laugh about our roach motel, aka the Super 8 of Marshall, MN.  So much for saving $50 a night just to sleep and teaching us not to procrastinate making reservations.  Lesson learned, read the reviews and don’t need to be so cheap, but we had lots of good jokes and texts between rooms.